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We will contact you as soon as possible.

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What do they say about us?

We found
vulnerabilities in

Penetration tests

8 critical vulnerabilities found

Let's talk

"Secureright found 4 critical vulnerabilities. Their expert team delivered clear solutions, strengthening our security immensely. Highly recommended."

Robert, Cenrom CEO

Our certificates


certyfikaty branżowe
certyfikaty branżowe

Our approach

Our approach

Our approach


Initial consultation

Ask us any question about your company's cyber security. A free consultation is 30-60 minutes that you can use to consult on any topic related to cyber security. We always arrange a mutually convenient time and make sure to provide the highest level of answers.


Threat modeling

We go through your application and run a “white paper test” on it so as to see where the potential attack vectors could be - not only technical, but also logical.


We conduct a test

We conduct a test

We identify and analyze potential threats and vulnerabilities in your application.

We identify and analyze potential threats and vulnerabilities in your application.


Bezpłatny threat modeling

Przechodzimy przez Twoją aplikację i przeprowadzamy na niej "test na białej kartce" tak, aby sprawdzić gdzie mogłyby być potencjalne wektory ataków - nie tylko techniczne, ale też logiczne.


Bezpłatna konsultacja

Zadaj nam dowolne pytanie o cyberbezpieczeństwie Twojej firmy. Bezpłatna konsultacja to 30-60 minut, które możesz wykorzystać na skonsultowanie dowolnego tematu związanego z cyberbezpieczeństwem. Zawsze umawiamy dogodny dla obu stron termin i dbamy o najwyższy poziom udzielanych odpowiedzi.


You get a report from us

After the tests, you will get a report from us in which you will have all the recommendations on how to fix the given errors that we found.


Consultation with pentester

After the report, your development/security/IT team will get one more hour of consultation with our pentester so that they can question him on how to correct the bugs in question and how to better write secure code.




After fixing the errors, return to us for a retest, which is already included in the price of the pentest, it is important for you to check that the errors have definitely been fixed.

After fixing the errors, return to us for a retest, which is already included in the price of the pentest, it is important for you to check that the errors have definitely been fixed.


Dostajesz od nas raport

Po przeprowadzonych testach dostaniesz od nas raport w którym będziesz miał opisane wszystkie rekomendację jak naprawić dane błędy, które znaleźliśmy.


Konsultacja z pentesterem

Po raporcie Twój zespół deweloperski dostanie jeszcze godzinę konsultacji z naszym pentesterem, aby mógł go wypytać jak poprawić dane błędy oraz jak lepiej pisać bezpieczny kod.


+48 660 475 651

© 2024 SecureRight


+48 660 475 651

© 2024 SecureRight